Join Us
If you would like to join our Beaver, Cub or Scout section for a few weeks to see if scouting is for you then please send us an enquiry using the Contact Us section at the bottom of the Home Page. Do not just turn up as we may be out on an activity. Children are welcome to join us on a trial basis without any charge.
If you are an adult looking for fun and rewarding activities you may be able to assist us. Here are some things that our adult supporters do:
Transport to activities. We own our own minibus but we do sometimes need additional help.
Outdoor activities. There are additional numbers of adults required for outdoor activities so extra help chaperoning is welcome.
Skill Instructors. If you have a hobby or skill that you are willing to pass on to others it may fit with our programme or badges. You can do this as a one-off or become a skill instructor providing more regular input.
Fund Raising. Fund raising events are essential to augment the income we get from member subscriptions. You can help us at our regular events such as jumble sales and BBQs or even organise another event.
Uniformed Leaders. If you can give time on a more regular basis you can become an assistant or assistant leader or leader. The award-winning training scheme means adults get as much out of scouting as the young people. Your new skills and experiences are likely to be helpful in your work and personal life too.
If you want to get involved in any way we will be pleased to hear from you. You can use the Contact US section at the bottom of the Home Page. We can then discuss your interest and explain how to get involved.